There are many ways the World Wide Web has made our globe seem that much smaller. One of the most poignant is the Blogosphere. You can find a blog on just about any topic, in addition to being educational or entertaining, blogs can help us to connect with others just like us. As you know, the journey from infertile to fertile is often a long and winding road, fraught with heart wrenching and tearful moments as well as moments of divine inspiration.
We asked you all to share your favorite infertility/fertility blogs with us on Facebook, and your responses were immediate. The following five blogs are patient recommended and written by women just like you. They share the ups and downs of the fertility journey in compassionate, intelligent and often humorous (believe it or not) ways.
Top 5 Blogs for commiserating, sharing, and learning about infertility
- Trials Bring Joy – Starbucks, Peace, and the Addition of Two Babies. Chelsea and her husband Josh have been married for over twelve and, like most couples, they never thought fertility would be an issue. Since 2009 they had been trying to get pregnant, but Chelsea’s diagnosis of PCOS – one of the most common causes of infertility – made it impossible to conceive naturally. After 8 years of trying, including many difficulties along the way the couple had twins in June of 2017. The blog also has links to wonderful resources and IVF information.
- Dreaming of Diapers. A “tell-all infertility blog,” Dreaming of Diapers is a written by a “self-described southern girl now living on the west coast” who “loves cupcakes, wine, junk food, and rescuing animals” (we can all relate to that). The author has been trying to have a child for five years now and is continuing to take steps to have a family. The blog is frequently updated, with posts going back to August of 2013, and topics include everything from IVF, infertility, hysterectomies, and faith. In the author’s most recent post, she shares recent lessons learned in failure, writing “I have failed more than I’ve ever wanted to….but I have won once. And that one time was worth all of those failures…over and over again.” The author had a son in 2016 with the help of a gestational carrier (her sister).
- Lemon Water. This blog is co-written by two friends and is designed to be a “friendly resource for women who want to lead better lives.” One of the most powerful posts is about The Hidden Emotions of Infertility, which discusses how the silence surrounding infertility could be the greatest hindrance to providing high-quality information to women and couples who need it. We agree!
- Our Misconception. Our Misconception is written by Candance and Chris, a couple that tried for 7 years to conceive before finally having Jellybean in June 2014 through a surrogate. The couple documents their multiple failed IVF cycles, surgeries, and their inspiring determination to become parents. They were even featured on MTV’s True Life. Updated frequently, the blog touches on everything from the couple’s infertility timeline to parenting to infertility advice while providing resources related to infertility, recipes, fundraising, and the couple’s favorite books. Our Misconception also provides a helpful list of blogs they love.
- Amateur Nester. Written by Lisa Newton, Amateur Nester documents the infertility journey (including three rounds of IVF) she and her husband Tom took to conceive their daughter CJ. Some of the more popular posts on the blog include books to read during infertility and the difference between an OB/GYN and an RE. Lisa has even written her own book Preparing for IVF that aims to help hopeful parents feel more confident about their IVF cycle.
RRC hopes you find a sense of respite, hope, and inspiration as you cozy up to meet these incredible individuals. We thank them for sharing their journeys. What are some of your favorite blogs written about fertility or the lack thereof? Share them in our comment box below.