If you were lucky enough to be one of the scores of men and women who attended last year’s Kansas City Infertility Awareness and Family Building Conference, then you know this is a can’t-miss event! The 3rd Annual Kansas City Infertility Awareness and Family Building Conference will be Saturday, April 27, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
There is a change in venue for this year’s conference, and it will be held at Penn Valley Community College: Education Center 019.
Street address is 3201 Southwest Trafficway (Kansas City, MO).
According to organizers, this new venue should provide much more space and allow even more couples to take advantage of the great information and fellowship.
This year’s conference will again include several breakout sessions, and each participant may choose to attend two sessions/topics pertinent to your situation and interest. The ladies from KCIA look forward to unveiling more specific information very soon. Breakout session topics are as follows:
- Infertility Evaluation and Treatment – What Works, What Doesn’t
- In-Vitro Fertilization and Beyond
- Medical, Social, and Legal Aspects of Embryo Adoption
- Evaluation of the Male Partner
- Opportunities for Adoption
- Faith & Infertility
Like last year, there will be multiple booths set up. You can collect information and learn about different resources available to you. There will also be giveaways! Lots of giveaways!
Reproductive Resource Center (RRC) is pleased to once again be a Conference Sponsor. In addition, our Medical Director, Dr. Celeste Brabec will be one of the featured physician presenters. We were thrilled to be part of the inaugural year in 2011 and continue to be so impressed with the event that Tami, Allison, Meagan and Nicolle put on each year! These ladies are hard-working, organized and totally committed to helping the community. Hats of to each of them.
We’ll keep you posted and provide a link to the Registration Page as it is made available. Registration will begin at midnight on Friday, March 1, 2013, and will continue until maximum capacity has been reached for the venue.