In our experience, the clients who have the most successful fertility treatment experience are the ones who have the most support. This doesn’t mean that women or couples with support have the highest fertility success rates, but it means those couples are the ones who weather the inevitable storms in the best shape mentally, emotionally and physically.
The reality is that your emotional and well-being matters when it comes to the overall picture of fertility success. We know the both stress and depression can negatively impact fertility rates, and we also know negative mental/emotional states can exacerbate inflammation, which suppresses the immune system and can affect hormone balance and ovulation. Additionally, couples without adequate support wind up going down a rabbit hole of sorts, leaving romance and connected partnership in the dust – and that’s the last thing you want when trying to start or grow your family.
Leverage Your Fertility Support Resources Here in the Kansas City Area
That’s why we recommend rallying the troops and surrounding yourself with support – or at least bookmarking future options – so you can take advantage of the support networks available to you the minute you need them.
Here are some of the things our patients have found to be the most helpful and supportive as they’ve navigated the complicated paths towards pregnancy and parenthood.
Local fertility support groups
Contrary to how it might feel, you are not alone. In fact, you’re part of the 12% of partnered adults struggling to get pregnant without some sort of medical assistance. You can connect with individuals and couples who know exactly how you feel by visiting and/or joining a local infertility support group.
Visit RESOLVE Support Group Finder and plug in your zip code to find a support group in your area. We’re fans of these support groups because they’re sponsored by RESOLVE and are professionally led – either by amateur professionals who have already run the fertility gauntlet or licensed and trained professionals – depending on which you prefer.
Subscribe and follow fertility blogs – or start your own
Blog forums have become online support communities in their own right, and there are a plethora of blogs written by (mostly) women and a few men about the trials and tribulations of an infertility diagnosis and the testing, treatment, treatment, treatment and testing that follow it. Visit, 5 of Our Favorite Fertility Blogs and More Infertility Blogs to Love, to begin exploring and connecting with others just like you.
Infertility blogs serve another way to reinforce that you are not alone and who knows? You may find that starting a blog of your own (whether you choose to publish it publicly or not) can serve as a balm to soothe your own soul. If nothing else, keeping a blog is an efficient way to keep family and friends abreast of where you’re at, so you don’t have to keep telling the same stories, test results or potentially devastating news if a treatment fails.
Schedule an appointment with an infertility counselor
Historically speaking, people tend to wait until there’s an emotional crisis before enlisting the support of therapist or counselor. In our minds, getting an infertility diagnosis is an emotional crisis of sorts, and there’s no better time than the present to meet with an infertility counselor.
These counselors have all the same credentials and licenses as other professional therapists or psychologists, along with extra education and training around the subjects of infertility/fertility treatments and other outside-the-box family building options. Also, the large majority of infertility counselors get into this niche because they once walked in your shoes. Therapists are a tremendous resource along the way, from helping you sort out your own immediate and long-term feelings, to helping you and your partner deepen your connection and relationship amidst the chaos. It’s a win-win for all.
Connect with Kansas City Infertility Awareness
We’re so fortunate to have Kansas City Infertility Awareness working in our community. This fabulous non-profit is dedicated to providing education and support to those struggling to build a family. From monthly meetings and support groups to fundraisers and socials, they are an awesome group of people to connect with along the way. They also host an annual 5K Run/Walk Path to Parenthood event to raise awareness (popular with RRC patients), and there’s always Bingo Charity Night for those of you who are up for raising extra money for the cause.
Start practicing relaxation your way
There’s no doubt that relaxation facilitates fertility success. Not only have studies proven that acupuncture and yoga can improve IVF success rates, or that reducing stress will reduce inflammation and bring emotional and biochemical balance to your life, being relaxed makes it easier to remain present and take one day at a time; that’s a lifesaver in the world of infertility and ART.
Now’s the time to really explore and dig deep into a relaxation practice that works for you. Begin checking out meditation classes or yoga studios. Join a hiking group to get yourself out in nature or join that pottery class you’ve always wondered about. Consider looking into Tai Chi or Qi Gong. We’re also big fans of self-care, so take advantage of relaxing things to do here in the Kansas City area.
We assure you, you’re going to learn more than you ever wanted to know about infertility specifics, lab results and the latest-and-greatest treatment information via your doctor’s appointments and time spent online.
Take a break from that stuff and take time to surround yourself with the fertility support you need to remain as positive, hopeful and calm as possible. You’ll never regret it. The personal support skills you acquire through this journey will make you a better parent – we promise!
image: pixabay.com