As part of our new patient counseling at Reproductive Resource Center (RRC), we discuss a patient’s lifestyle choices. This can encompass many things– from diet to exercise to sleep. The following is Part 2 of our list of twelve recommendations that appear on a handout provided to our patients. If you missed Part 1, click here!
Do you have any “lifestyle-related” fertility questions? Leave a comment and we’ll get you an answer from our board-certified Reproductive Endocrinologist, Dr. Celeste Brabec.
7. Boxers vs. briefs…it doesn’t matter as far as fertility is concerned! This is a myth and strictly your personal choice.
8. Having intercourse every other day has the same pregnancy rate as intercourse every day. Sexual position does not matter. The female partner should lie down for 5 minutes after intercourse, but longer does not increase your chances. Fluid that runs out when arising is typically seminal fluid, the “carrier” fluid for sperm. Try to minimize use of artificial lubricants including saliva.
9. Strive to control your anxiety in any way possible. Mild exercise, meditation, massage, listening to music, reading, spirituality, and tai chi are all ideas.
10. Tobacco…NONE is best. Second and even third hand smoke have been shown to decrease pregnancy chances by up to 50%.
11. Alcohol…NONE is best. If you choose to use alcohol, try to keep to no more than 6 drinks per week, no more than 2 drinks per any one day, and no more than 1 drink per hour. One drink is considered 1 oz of hard liquor, 4 oz wine, or 12 oz beer.
12. Try to avoid NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and minimize use of anti-histamines. Acetaminophen (Tylenol or its generic) is OK.
* image courtesy of alonis / flickr creative commons