Click on a heading below to view the entire press release or article.
Dr. Brabec on the evening news explaining what to know when starting fertility medications. – 2/2016
- Dr. Celeste Brabec speaks about In-Vitro Fertilization at the Family Building Conference hosted by Kansas City Infertility Awareness during National Infertility Awareness Week – 6/5/2015
- Reproductive Resource Center has expanded to provide easier access to RRC services for our patients in east Kansas City, Independence, Mo. and the surrounding areas – 4/3/2015
- Congratulations to Dr. Celeste Brabec on being named a 2015 Super Doctor for the 8th year in a row! – 4/2/2015
- Dr. Celeste Brabec is selected as one of Kansas City’s Super DOC’s for the THIRD year in a row! – 2009, 2010, 2011.
- Dr. Celeste Brabec featured in Her Life magazine – June, 2009 [PDF]
- RRC Featured in Enhance magazine – July, 2009 [PDF]
- RRC now offers an IVF Multi-Cycle Program – Effective 3/1/2009
- Having to Rely on Kindness of Strangers – 9/3/2005 [PDF]
- The Miracle of Life – 5/30/2001 [PDF]
- The Gift of Hope – 5/30/2001 [PDF]
- In Sickness & In Health – 5/30/2001 [PDF]