If you’ve been to Reproductive Resource Center lately, chances are you’ve had the opportunity to meet Melissa Hummel. You’ll find her up front in the office and also counseling patients on the financial aspect of treatment. Melissa recently took time to tell us a little more about herself. Meet Melissa!
Name: Melissa Hummel
Occupation: Front office, Financial Counselor
How long have you been employed by Reproductive Resource Center of Kansas City?
2 months
What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? Meeting our patients, listening to their stories and coordinating their benefits with their plan of care.
What is your favorite KC restaurant and what is your favorite dish(es) there? The Arkansas Topper from Jack Stack Barbeque
Tell us about your ideal Saturday: How would you spend it? Where? Anywhere outside with my family! I enjoy going to the park, 4-wheeling, BBQ, picnics, and the zoo!
KC Chiefs or KC Royals? Royals! (Opening Day isn’t that far away, baseball fans!)
Have you learned any valuable life lessons worth passing on? “If everything in life was fair, we wouldn’t need foul poles!”– author unknown
Winter, summer, spring or fall in Kansas City? Fall
Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us, Melissa! And readers…next time you’re in the RRC office…be looking for Melissa, one of the newest faces at RRC!