Oh, it’s hard to avoid becoming obsessive when you live/work in an industry – or niche – where environmental toxins are making such an impact. It feels like every time we turn around, studies increasingly connect infertility with products and chemicals that are nearly impossible to avoid. These chemicals can even bring on early menopause, which is bad news for women trying to conceive in their 40s or 50s.
Limiting Exposure to Certain Foods & Packaging Materials Can Increase Fertility
Instead of having an alarmist attitude, we recommend you maintain an attitude of curiosity with the desire to become informed so you can make the best possible choices for yourself, your future pregnancy and your family’s health. As far as we’re concerned, anything that can decrease male or female fertility isn’t fit for human consumption – period!
Now that we got that off our chests, here’s a list of foods and food-related products that could be making it harder for you to get pregnant.
Bisphenol A (BPA). Avoiding exposure to BPA, which has been linked to endocrine disruptions (it messes with hormone production/hormone balances) that cause infertility, can seem impossible. It is used in many plastics (it’s even found in plastic products labeled BPA-free) and is also used in the liner of most canned goods. A 2011 Harvard University study determined that those who ate canned soups regularly had notably higher levels of BPA in their system. The best way to avoid BPA is to eat whole foods that aren’t packaged using BPA and skip the processed stuff – which is better for you anyway. If you do resort to canned goods, spend a little more for the organic brands that typically use BPA-free cans (and will be free of harmful pesticides and chemicals as well!) Also, make the switch to glass storage containers.
Low-fat and No-fat Dairy Products. We know; it’s hard to believe in a world where Low-Fat and Non-Fat seem to be King and Queen of the dairy products. However, a study published in the journal Human Reproduction found that women who eat low- and non-fat dairy products are more likely to experience ovulation problems compared with women who consume whole-fat dairy products. Since issues with ovulation are the leading cause of female infertility, this is worth making note of. However, high body mass indexes are also linked to infertility so consume your whole-fat dairy in moderation.
Alcohol. Everyone knows that drinking in excess causes health problems for both prospective moms, pregnant women and babies. However, even moderate consumption of alcohol can increase your chances of ovulatory complications. The toxins inherent in alcoholic beverages are processed and metabolized by the liver, which plays a large role in hormone production and balance. If the liver is irritated, over-worked or toxic, it can’t regulate your hormones and this can affect your menstrual cycle.
Too Much Meat Protein. Did you know that vegetables have protein? It’s a little known fact, but it’s true. A Harvard-based study found that women who replaced at least 5% of their daily protein intake via vegetable protein – rather than beef, pork or chicken – had 50% less chance of experiencing ovulatory infertility. While all vegetables have some amount of protein, some of the highest-protein options include sprouted beans, peas and lentils, cooked lima beans, peas, kale, broccoli and mushrooms. You can Click Here for a list of the Top 10 Protein-rich vegetables.
While we don’t recommend stressing out about all the ways your lifestyle could contribute to fertility problems, we highly advise you begin taking slow but sure steps away from common foods and food-related items that are linked to infertility. In each and every case, doing so will make you healthier overall.
Are you concerned you and your partner may be having fertility issues? Contact RRC and schedule a consultation.
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